Program Functions and Activities

RCP Clinical Activities include:

RCP Health Information Activities include:

  • Management of the Nova Scotia Atlee Perinatal Database (NSAPD) on behalf of participating health care facilities and groups. This includes development and maintainence of data collection and reporting systems, database linkages and data quality, integrity and security.
  • Distribution and interpretation of perinatal health information from the NSAPD including standardized reports and data retrievals resulting from specific queries.

Clinical Activities

The following two posters provide a detailed visual overview of the numerous clinical activities and provincial role of the RCP Clinical Team.

June, 2024.

RCP Health Information Activities

This poster provides a detailed visual representation of the activities and role of the RCP Data Management Team.

June, 2024.

Health Services Planning

This poster provides a visual description of RCP’s role in the provincial Health Services Planning process.

June, 2024.