Maritime Newborn Screening Program

To make sure that your baby gets the healthiest start in life, all newborns in Nova Scotia are screened for 15 or more disorders. Although most babies with these disorders look healthy at birth, they may be at risk of having serious health problems including, developmental disabilities, recurrent sickness and even death. Early detection is the key to treating these conditions right away and preventing the health problems they can cause.

Information for patients, families and health care professionals, including conditions screened for, brochures and information sheets is available from the Maritime Newborn Screening Program website.

Specifically, the site provides Forms and Information for Health Care Professionals.

IWK Health Centre
5850/5980 University Avenue
PO Box 9700
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 6R8
Phone: (902) 470-7998
Toll Free: 1-888-470-5888 extension 7998
Fax: (902) 470-6974