SOGC’s Campaign to Normalize STI Testing – Rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Canada are highest among those 25 and under. To help raise awareness regarding STIs, normalize testing, and let Canadians know where they can be tested, the SOGC is promoting a new Canadian website - https://yesmeanstest.ca/. This website is specifically targeting Canadians under age 25, in collaboration with prominent Canadian YouTube personalities, ‘YouTwoTV’. The campaign contains important information on STIs and prevention, and includes an online clinic locator to help Canadians find where to go if they don’t have access to a family physician. The Canadian campaign follows on the success of the "Yes Means Test" campaign in the United States, sponsored by The American Sexual Health Association.
Health Canada Releases Analysis of Trends in Cannabis Use – Health Canada recently released a health report of analysis of cannabis use among Canadians for the years 1985-2015. The main objective of the study was to examine trends in the prevalence of cannabis consumption, overall and by age and sex to assist with a better understanding of trends in the prevalence of use both before and after legalization. Although the study did not focus on cannabis use in pregnant women, an idea of reported use during the childbearing years can be gleaned from the trends reported.
ALARM Course - RCP is pleased to be a provider of the Advances in Labour and Risk Management (ALARM) course for 2018. The next course will be held at the IWK Health Centre on May 5-6, 2018 and is still open for registration; (only a few spaces remaining and then registrants will then be waitlisted). Registration information can be found on the RCP website in the new ALARM portal or by contacting joanne.ings@iwk.nshealth.ca.
An additional course has been added and will be held on November 3-4, 2018. That course is also now open for registration.
What’s New at RCP – RCP bids farewell to Kevin Canavan after many years of faithful service to the program as RCP’s Database Administrator. We cannot thank Kevin enough for his years of hard work and dedication. Kevin’s retirement plans include spending time with his family and friends as well as enjoying long rides on his motorcycle. The RCP team will miss him greatly but wish him much happiness and all the best in his retirement.
We are also pleased to welcome Israel Osaighale as RCP’s new Database Administrator; he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role. Israel’s contact details are: (902) 470-7375 or israel.osaighale@iwk.nshealth.ca
Keeping the Spark Alive: ‘#postbabyhankypanky’ Launch – Hoping to address new parents’ common sexual concerns, Halifax researcher Natalie Rosen has launched a new awareness campaign called Post Baby Hanky Panky. This new website includes research, resources for new parents and a series of short videos that touch on key issues related to postpartum sex, such as:
- the top sexual concerns of moms and dads,
- sexual changes,
- differences in sexual interest,
- understanding needs to have — or not have — sex, and
- how caring outside the bedroom has benefits inside the bedroom.
Rosen’s research shows 90 per cent of couples resume intercourse by three months postpartum, but one-third of moms and about half of dads report being unsatisfied. Another study with more than 250 couples across North America showed 90 per cent of couples reported some sexual concerns after having a baby. She says the biggest problem is when couples don’t talk about their feelings or check in with each other, and has found that couples who reported greater dyadic empathy — or the ability to understand and share a partner’s feelings — reported higher sexual and relationship satisfaction.The goal of this video series is to help normalize postpartum sexual concerns and open the lines of communication both between partners, and also between health care providers and new parents.
Have your say on front-of-package nutrition labels! - Every day, Canadians make hundreds of food choices, often in a matter of seconds, and the front of a food package is the first place they look for information. Health Canada would appreciate your help in spreading the word about consultations on front-of-package nutrition labels. Proposed regulations would help families quickly identify foods that are high in saturated fat, sugars and sodium, and help them to make healthier choices in the grocery store.
Take part in the quick and easy nutrition symbol consultation, to help choose a symbol that you would findseful on the front of food packages. There is also the opportunity to provide more detailed comments on the regulations themselves. The consultations are available until April 26th, 2018. Please feel welcome to share this information on social media, your website, or bulletin boards. These activities are part of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy. Check out the brand new video on the strategy to find out more. Help create a food environment where the healthier choice is the easier choice!
NSHA Patient Resource: ‘Options for Birth after Cesarean’ – The ‘Options for Birth after Cesarean’ pamphlet has been recently developed via a provincial collaboration! This resource will serve as an information source for women and their families regarding trial of labour after cesarean (TOLAC). This resource is available on the NSHA website at the following link and can also be ordered from the Print Shop using the associated print code provided. Options for Birth after Cesarean – Print Code - WP85-1847
NSHA & IWK New Skin-To-Skin Policy – The IWK and NSHA have worked collaboratively to develop a Skin-To-Skin for Healthy Term Infants policy. Steps are currently underway to implement the policy in health centers across the province. This policy is focused on supporting health care providers across Nova Scotia to promote and support skin-to-skin contact. The many positive physiological and psychological outcomes for both the mother and infant should be discussed with families throughout the prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum periods. A video presentation by Louise Dumas “Ensuring Skin-to-skin Safety Following Vaginal and Cesarean Births” has been created as a resource and can be accessed with a password. Please contact the Maternal/Child Manager within the regional health care facility where you practice to arrange access.
ACoRN Provider Course – A limited number of seats are available for the next Acute Care of at-Risk Newborns (ACoRN) course to be held at St Martha’s Hospital in Antigonish on April 27th & 28th. This course is co-sponsored by RCP and the IWK Health Centre. The registration fee is $150. Please contact Joanne Ings at RCP (joanne.ings@iwk.nshealth.ca) before April 6th to register. Times for the 2-day course are: Friday, April 27th, 2018 (1700h – 2100h) and Saturday, April 28th, 2018 (0800h - 1600h).
Amber Teething Necklaces - Child Safety Link does not recommend the use of amber teething necklaces on children under 3 years of age because they pose both a strangulation and a choking risk. Young children can be and have been seriously injured by these necklaces. Helpful links are below:
- Health Canada Advisory against Amber Teething Necklaces: http://web.archive.org/web/20120301044312/http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/cps-spc/child-enfant/equip/necklaces-colliers-eng.php
- Case Study of Non-Fatal Infant Strangulation from an Amber Teething Necklace presented at the IWK Health Centre, Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/canadian-journal-of-emergency-medicine/article/infant-strangulation-from-an-amber-teething-necklace/FFC34EED90F36FF5C6D3286FBF78EF25
For more information see the Child Safety Link website.
Recent Publications of Interest – Several publications have been recently released and are now available for your review. We have provided several titles with links below for your information:
- JOGC - Evaluation of an Information Pamphlet for Women Considering Epidural Analgesia in Labour
- JOGC – Retention of Vaginal Breech Delivery Skills Taught in Simulation
- JOGC – SOGC Clinical Practice Guideline –No. 355-Physiologic Basis of Pain in Labour and Delivery: An Evidence-Based Approach to its Management
- Reaffirmed SOGC Clinical Practice Guidelines:
- No. 129-Exercise in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
- No. 148-Guidelines for Operative Vaginal Birth
- No. 163-Gynaecological and Obstetric Management of Women With Inherited Bleeding Disorders
- No. 240-Cytomegalovirus Infection in Pregnancy
- No. 257-Ultrasonographic Cervical Length Assessment in Predicting Preterm Birth in Singleton Pregnancies
- No. 276-Management of Group B Streptococcal Bacteriuria in Pregnancy
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