Section 6 Fetal and Infant Health Outcomes
6.1 Low birth weight by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.1: Low birth weight by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
ᵃ With known birth weight.
6.2 Macrosomia by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.2: Macrosomia by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
ᵃ With known birth weight.
6.3 Small for gestational age by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.3: Small for gestational age by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
ᵃ With known birth weight and gestational age.
Note: Size for gestational age is based on sex-specific percentiles of birth weight for gestational age relative to a Canadian reference population [ Ref: Kramer et al. A New and Improved Population-Based Canadian Reference for Birth Weight for Gestational Age. Pediatrics 2001; 108 (2):e35 ].
6.4 Large for gestational age by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.4: Large for gestational age by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
ᵃ With known birth weight and gestational age.
Note: Size for gestational age is based on sex-specific percentiles of birth weight for gestational age relative to a Canadian reference population [ Ref: Kramer et al. A New and Improved Population-Based Canadian Reference for Birth Weight for Gestational Age. Pediatrics 2001; 108 (2):e35 ].
6.5 Preterm births by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.5: Preterm births by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
ᵃ With known gestational age.
Note: The derivation of gestational age is primarily based on the date of the mother's last menstrual period (LMP). If LMP is unknown or LMP-estimated gestational age is discordant with that estimated by early fetal ultrasound measurements, then gestational age based on early fetal ultrasound measurements is used. If early fetal ultrasound measurements are unavailable and gestational age based on LMP is discordant from that clinically estimated by the neonatal physical exam, then the clinically estimated gestational age is used.
6.6 Birth injury by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.6: Birth injury by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Note: Any injury to the infant occurring during delivery such as fracture (e.g., femur, clavicle, rib, humerus, depressed skull) or central nervous system trauma (e.g., cerebral hemorrhage, spinal cord hemorrhage, brachial plexus palsy).
6.7 Phototherapy by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.7: Phototherapy by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Note: Phototherapy involves exposure of the neonate to coloured light in hospital (birth hospital or readmission in the neonatal period). It is given for known or suspected hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice).
6.8 Type of respiratory distress syndrome by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.8: Type of respiratory distress syndrome by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
ᵃ TTN = Transient tachypnea of the newborn.
Note: Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is identified by neonatal grunting, retractions, and decreased air entry that occur before 3 hours of age, persist beyond 6 hours of age, and are not explained by any other disease. Severity is categorized by the treatment given by the physician as noted in the medical record: mild, < 35% oxygen; moderate, 35% oxygen or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP); severe, ventilated. Note that as medical practice changes with respect to the type of treatment given, the proportion of RDS that is of unknown severity may increase.
6.9 Neonatal sepsis by birth weight and year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.9: Neonatal sepsis by birth weight and year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Note: Pneumonia, either intrauterine or postnatal, or positive blood/cerebrospinal fluid cultures.
6.10 Newborn length of stay (in days) by birth weight and year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.10: Newborn length of stay (in days) by birth weight and year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
ᵃ Number of births of infants who survived to hospital discharge.
6.11 Neonatal withdrawal from maternal use of opioids by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 6.11: Neonatal withdrawal from maternal use of opioids by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Note: Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal dependency on opioid drugs. Does not include neonatal reactions from opioid # drugs administered to the mother during labour or delivery.