This is the online home of the Nova Scotia Atlee Perinatal Database, a report meant to provide a quick reference to the sentinel indicators of perinatal health and care among Nova Scotia residents.
Note: A PDF version of this report can be donwloaded on the RCP web site. (click here)
Inspired by the Free and Open Source Software movement (FOSS), the code and prose underlying this report are open, ensuring that the content is reproducible, transparent, and accessible.
Hosting the source code on GitHub allows anyone to interact with the project by opening issues or contributing new content and typo fixes for the benefit of everyone.
The online version of the report is hosted at rcp.nshealth.ca/publications.
This version of the book was built on 2022-08-10.
Supporting the project
If you find the report useful, please support it by:
- Telling people about it in person.
- Citing or linking-to it
- ‘Starring’ the NSAtleePD GitHub repository
- Asking questions about or making suggestion on the content via peru@dal.ca.