Purpose of Report
The data presented in this Report are meant to provide a quick reference to the sentinel indicators of perinatal health and care among Nova Scotia residents. In addition, we hope that the data in this Report will assist with the development and monitoring of standards of care and will trigger research questions that can be pursued by researchers and trainees.
Nova Scotia Atlee Perinatal Database
The Nova Scotia Atlee Perinatal Database (NSAPD) is a population-based database that contains detailed province-wide clinical and demographic information from 1988 onwards. Data are abstracted on-site in Nova Scotia health care facilities by health information professionals and are contributed to the NSAPD by these facilities. The Reproductive Care Program (RCP), a program of the IWK Health Centre, is the NSAPD custodian.
The population in the NSAPD includes all reported liveborn and stillborn infants at a gestational age of at least 20 weeks or having a birth weight of at least 500 g. Every effort is made to ensure that the NSAPD includes perinatal events for all Nova Scotia residents. Events that occurred in Nova Scotia facilities that do not have active maternity services are collected, as are events that occur in New Brunswick facilities where Nova Scotia residents regularly seek care. Home births have been included in the NSAPD since the introduction of regulated midwifery in 2009.
Important Notes Regarding Definitions and Figures
A Glossary of all terms can be found at the end of this report.
The term “birth” is differentiated from “delivery”. A delivery refers to the completed pregnancy, regardless of the number of infants born. Birth refers to the live born or stillborn infant. For example, when a woman delivers twins, one delivery and two births are represented.
The definition of gestational age, which is detailed in the Glossary, incorporates information on ultrasound measurements, as well as last menstrual period date and clinical estimate of gestational age.
It is important to note the scale that is used in the Figures. In some instances, the rate of a particular indicator will appear to vary greatly from year to year, but the apparent variation may be due to a narrow range for the scale.
Future Reports
We plan to produce similar reports on a regular basis. Updated reports will be posted on the RCP web site http://rcp.nshealth.ca. As always, we welcome comments and suggestions for additional indicators to be included in these future reports (peru@dal.ca).