We would like to honour two neonatologists whom we have lost since our last edition of the Nova Scotia Perinatal Database Report: Drs. Dora A. Stinson and Alexander C. Allen. Both of these physicians worked steadily and tirelessly to improve the health of babies in the province through the clinical care they administered, first at the Grace Maternity Hospital and later at the IWK Health Centre; research; and teaching, mentoring and supporting medical trainees, researchers, and junior faculty members. We will miss them, but will feel their impact forever as we remember their dedication and humour, and do our utmost to build on what they worked so hard to accomplish for the health and well being of Nova Scotians.
Dr. Dora Stinson, MD, FRCPC, FAAP (1939-2020) was actively involved in every aspect of neonatal medicine for many years, in research, administration and directly in clinical treatment of children. Dr. Stinson was well known locally and nationally as a skilled physician, a dedicated teacher and mentor, and a valued colleague. She acted as the Neonatal Clinical Advisor for the Reproductive Care Program for several years, and provided thoughtful input on several of the indicators shown herein.

Dr. Alec Allen, MDCM, FAAP, FRCPC (1933-2018) had extraordinary vision when he established the Nova Scotia Atlee Perinatal Database in the 1980s, well before other similar databases were established in other provinces. His hard work made this Report, over one hundred research projects, and many quality improvement initiatives possible. Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Allen established the Perinatal Epidemiology Research Unit and served as its first director until 2010.