RCP Practice Resource: Recommendations for Ophthalmia Neonatorum (ON) Prevention in NS - The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) has recommended moving from universal newborn ocular prophylaxis, to universal prenatal screening for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) as well as treatment of those with positive results in order to eradicate infection and prevent intrapartum transmission to the newborn.
As universal ocular prophylaxis is eliminated from routine newborn care, functions of the health system must be optimized and synchronized to prevent ON. RCP has partnered with clinical experts and stakeholders from across NS to produce several resources designed to offer guidance for the prevention of ON.
Updated Public Health Resources – Several of the Nova Scotia Postpartum and Postnatal Care Resources have been recently updated. Links to the resources can be found on the RCP website.
Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) Podcast - CPS has created a podcast that provides an organized approach to managing neonatal hypoglycemia; the most common metabolic problem in neonates and the leading cause of admissions to the NICU. The podcast is based on the 2019 Canadian Paediatric Society Statement, "The screening and management of newborns at risk for low blood glucose."
Canadian Cannabis Research Database –The Canadian Cannabis Research Database is an online tool that allows individuals to search current and ongoing cannabis research activities underway in Canada. Research since 2015 is covered under 40 possible topics. The database is intended for researchers, healthcare providers and individuals involved in public health policy. It enables them to search research projects related to the health and social impacts of cannabis, while also fostering communication and collaboration between researchers and identifying potential gaps in cannabis research.
Recent Publications of Interest – Several publications have been recently released and are now available for your review. The titles with links have been provided below for your information and reading enjoyment:
- JOGC - From Tragedy to Triumph: Canadian Connections in the Management of Rhesus Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
- JOGC - Impact of Episiotomy During Operative Vaginal Delivery on Obstetrical Anal Sphincter Injuries
- JOGC - Temporal Trends in Preterm Birth, Neonatal Mortality, and Neonatal Morbidity Following Spontaneous and Clinician-Initiated Delivery in Canada, 2009-2016
- JOGC - Maternal Area of Residence, Socioeconomic Status, and Risk of Adverse Maternal and Birth Outcomes in Adolescent Mothers
- JOGC - Are Preeclampsia and Adverse Obstetrical Outcomes Predictors of Cardiovascular Disease? A Case-Control Study of Women With Heart Disease
- JOGC - Measuring Maternal Mortality in Canada: An Update on the Establishment of a Confidential Enquiry System for Preventing Maternal Deaths #savingmoms #savingbabies
- JOGC - A Review of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Principles Used for Scheduled Caesarean Delivery
- JOGC Clinical Practice Guideline (revision) - No. 393-Diabetes in Pregnancy
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