RCP Form Revision:
RCP Birth Record: Based on user feedback from across the province, several minor revisions have been made to the Birth Record, and so its appearance is slightly altered. Key changes include:
- Descriptors to prompt Apgar scoring have been reintroduced.
- ‘Tick Boxes’ to indicate the timing of Delayed Cord Clamping +/- cord milking have been moved.
- Prompts have been added to enable clinicians to better describe 3o lacerations (sub-categories a/b/c) as defined by CIHI. Definitions will be included in a memo to be sent to users of the form.
The ‘Lacerations’ section of the paper version of RCP’s Birth Record will look like this:
RCP’s Coding Corner:
It is that time of the year again…the RCP coding manual has been updated!!!!
A number of additional codes and suggested guideline clarifications have been made for data collection beginning April 1st, 2019. The updated edition of the coding manual with these changes will be posted on the RCP website very soon. A shout out to all the Health Information Specialists who have provided feedback on this annual update to ensure the ongoing quality of data that’s collected within the NSAPD. For more details related to what the Health Information Specialists collect and the depth of available data for requestors checkout RCP’s website.
NSHA Baby-Friendly Initiative Update:
- Over the last 2 years and in partnership, the NSHA and IWK have developed one provincial Infant Feeding policy. The policy is now posted to OP3. A policy pamphlet has also been created supporting care providers and can be found on the NSHA Library Site.
- One of the priority areas identified for NSHA Science & System Performance and the Early Years Provincial Team is to develop a surveillance plan to capture NS breastfeeding duration data.
- Additionally, work will be happening on revision of Public Health resources to align them with current evidence and policies.
- Provincial Zones continue to work on BFI Assessments and are preparing to submit their BFI status reports soon.
Breastfeeding Protocols - The BFI Strategy for Ontario and Toronto Public Health are pleased to introduce the first of a series of revised Breastfeeding Protocols designed to assist health care providers with clinical care and support of families who breastfeed. The Protocols are intended to guide clinical decision making with tips and research evidence and educate health care providers with information from basic breastfeeding knowledge to complex situations and challenges.
The revised protocols:
- Provide excellent, evidence-based guidance for clinical practice
- Support health care providers with breastfeeding knowledge from novice to expert
- Assist with problem solving and decision making
- Support consistency across professions and across the continuum of care
- Are easily accessed from www.breastfeedingresourcesontario.ca (search “protocols”)
- May be downloaded to desktops for instant availability even without internet
Protocols will be released as they are completed. Now available are:
- Introduction to Revised Protocols for Healthcare Providers - Outlining the history, methodology and process used.
- Positioning and Latching - The first revised Protocol with convenient key messages, easy-to-read principles, illustrated positions, latching tips, and key resources.
Watch for further announcements and additional protocols. Contact with questions or comments at bfistrategy@tehn.ca.
Health Inequalities in Canada - As part of the Health Inequalities Reporting Initiative, we are pleased to share with you an animated video on Health Inequalities in Canada. It is now available on the Canada.ca website. This video constitutes the second type of product in a series of knowledge mobilization products for the Key Health Inequalities in Canada: A National Portrait report and provides a summary of some of the Health Inequalities in Canada. The video is available in English and French and can be found at the links provided here: English and French. Please share with your networks.
- Mi'kmaq Child Development Centre Hosting Doula Workshop - A new doula training program to educate more Indigenous doulas is coming to Halifax on April 25th & 26th, 2019. The program will combine lessons on birth and breastfeeding with cultural practices such as smudging. To read more about this exciting initiative go to CBC News.
- PhD Students Win World's Challenge Challenge Competition (WCC) at Dalhousie - Justine Dol (PhD Health), Brianna Richardson (PhD Nursing), and Rachel Ollivier (PhD Nursing) addressed the need for increased access to sexual and reproductive health education in a global context. The women collaborated to create Essential Coaching for Every Mother, a text message-based information system for new mothers in Canada and Tanzania. The innovation provides support to new moms in Canada and Tanzania by sending text messages that contain valuable information they require during the first six weeks after birth. Go to Dalhousie News to read more.
Childbirth Fear Study – The University of British Columbia is conducting an extension of the Childbirth Fear Study. The purpose of this study extension is to determine which specific mental health difficulties are most relevant to fear of childbirth. This research is appropriate for women who are pregnant, 18 years or older, and are experiencing high levels of fear of childbirth (e.g.; it is causing distress or interferes with their functioning). Participants will be asked to complete an online questionnaire (taking 20 minutes or less), and, if they are eligible, they will be asked to participate in a telephone interview (approximately 45 minutes). Participants will be offered $25 once the interview is completed. Please share the study invitation with your patients. To register click here.
Save the Date! - Breast Feeding Committee of Canada BFI Symposium – The 2019 Baby Friendly Initiative Symposium - Beyond the Ten Steps: Critical Connections for Transformative Change will be held in Yellowknife, NWT on October 1-3, 2019. For more Information & Registration details go to: www.bfisymposium.ca
Cannabasics: An Introductory Online Learning Series - Cannabasics eLearning is an introductory series of self-directed learning modules that explores the basics of the cannabis plant and products, different methods of consumption, and different reasons for consumption from a public health approach. This series is intended for any health and social service professional as a means to contribute to a basic foundation of knowledge and language regarding cannabis. For more information click here.
SOGC Updated Statement on Maternal Sepsis - Due to the increased incidence of maternal sepsis, resulting in morbidity and/or mortality, the SOGC recommends increased awareness of the signs and symptoms of sepsis for all members of the obstetrical care team (physicians, midwives, and nurses). This serves to ensure familiarity with important markers of sepsis and may be achieved in several ways. The SOGC working group on sepsis is currently conducting a national survey to determine what systems are currently in place and learn about their utilization. Click here to read more.
SOGC Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference - The SOGC’s Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference (ACSC) is being held in Halifax on June 11-14, 2019.The ACSC is the premier continuing medical education event in Canada for obstetrics and gynaecology, bringing together the largest gathering of health care professionals working in the field of women’s health. For more details and to register go to the SOGC website.
Recent Publications of Interest – Several publications have been recently released and are now available for your review. Several titles with links have been provided below for your information and reading enjoyment:
- JOGC – Use of Antenatal Corticosteroid Therapy: A Descriptive Study of Clinical Practice Trends
- JOGC - Type of Blunt Expansion of the Low Transverse Uterine Incision During Caesarean Section and the Risk of Postoperative Complications: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial
- Cochrane Library - Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for preventing hypertensive disorders and related problems
- Cochrane Library - Perceptions and experiences of labour companionship: a qualitative evidence synthesis
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If you have any questions or comments, please contact the RCP office at rcp@iwk.nshealth.ca.
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