Rh immune globulin (WinRho®SDF) and the Influenza Vaccine – During flu season the question often arises regarding Rh negative women receiving the blood product Rh immune globulin (WinRho®SDF) along with the influenza vaccine. Please be aware that there is minimal or no interaction between blood products such as Rh immune globulin with inactivated vaccines such as the influenza vaccine. The link to the Canadian Immunization Guide: Part 1 – Key Immunization Information (page 11) provides additional information, such as interactions between blood products and certain live vaccines, such as measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and varicella. This information can also be found on the RCP Website.
Public Health Agency of Canada Releases Updated Practice Guidelines Re: Breastfeeding - The Public Health Agency of Canada is pleased to announce release of Chapter 6 of the Family-Centered Maternity and Newborn Care: National Guidelines. The guidelines are dedicated to improving and creating consistency in maternal and newborn health and to inform evidence based practice across Canada. The aim of the guidelines is to positively impact health from preconception to postpartum, and throughout the life-course of children, women and families.
PDFs of the chapters and related factsheets/infographics are available online at: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/maternity-newborn-care-guidelines.html. Over the next two years the Public Health Agency of Canada will be releasing the remaining chapters. If you have any questions about the Family-Centred Maternity and Newborn Care: National Guidelines please contact Lynn Menard at Lynn.Menard2@canada.ca.
Recent Publications of Interest – Several publications have been recently released and are now available for your review. Several titles with links have been provided below for your information and reading enjoyment:
- The Lancet Series - Optimising caesarean section use
- CMAJ Commentary - Effectiveness of parents and clinicians working together to improve pain management in newborns
- JOGC - Association Between Hypertensive Disorders During Pregnancy and the Subsequent Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease: A Population-Based Follow-Up Study
- JOGC - Listeriosis in Pregnancy: Practitioners' Food Safety Counselling Practices to Pregnant Women
- JOGC - The Third Stage of Labour in the Extremely Obese Parturient
- JOGC - Development of a High-Fidelity Simulator for Teaching Chorionic Villus Sampling
- JOGC Review - The Effect of Very Advanced Maternal Age on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes: A Systematic Review
- JOGC Commentary - Cannabis: Implications for Pregnancy, Fetal Development, and Longer-Term Health Outcomes
- JOGC – SOGC Clinical Practice Guidelines:
New Clinical Practice Guideline Re: Pregnancy and Physical Activity - The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) has released a joint Clinical Practice Guideline – Canadian Guideline for Physical Activity throughout Pregnancy. Findings within the new guideline represent a fundamental shift in medical thinking over the past 15 years and present data that demonstrates the benefits of exercise; including fewer newborn complications, a reduced number of caesarean sections or instrumental deliveries, and fewer incidence of urinary incontinence, excessive weight gain, and depression.
New NSHA Patient & Family Resource – A recently developed patient & family resource is now available - “Hand Expressing Breast Milk Before Your Baby is Born”. This pamphlet is available online and can also be ordered at Dal Print under code WP85-1928. Full instructions for ordering print copies from Dal Print Shop can be found here.
SOGC’s 75th Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference - Save the Date! - Join your colleagues at the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada’s 75th Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference – June 11-14, 2019 in Halifax. Registration will open soon; see the latest information online: https://sogc.org/conference/2019acsc/welcome.html.
Health Canada Information Update Re: Consumption of Placenta Products – Health Canada has released an information update describing cautionary messages related to the consumption of human placenta products. Click here for the full update.
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