Collaborative Care Guidelines for RNs, LPNs, and Assistive Personnel Providing Maternal & Newborn Care

These guidelines provide a method to support and guide LPNs, RNs, and assistive personnel (e.g. CTAs) who provide maternal and newborn care in acute care settings across Nova Scotia as they adapt to changes in health care delivery models and professional role redesign. Themes discussed include

  1. Assignments and Decision Making
  2. Scope of Practice
  3. Accountabilities.

Collaborative Care Guidelines was created as part of the Model of Care Initiative in Nova Scotia (MOCINS), a joint initiative of the Department of Health & Wellness, district health authorities, and the IWK Health Centre that includes the design, planning and implementation of the new collaborative care model on units in each district health authority/IWK.

RCP Collaborative Care Guildelines Working Group
Publication Date: 
January, 2012
File Size: 
Number of Pages: