Section 2 Perinatal and Infant Mortality
2.1 Perinatal mortality by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 2.1: Perinatal mortality by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
ᵃ Sex could not be determined in some infants and these infants are not included in some categories.
Note: Stillbirth refers to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother after at least 20 weeks pregnancy, or after attaining a weight of 500 g or more, of a fetus in whom, after such expulsion or extraction, there is no breathing, beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or unmistakable movement of voluntary muscle. Early neonatal mortality refers to the death of a liveborn infant, occurring up to the sixth completed day of life (6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes). Perinatal mortality includes both stillbirths and early neonatal deaths.
2.2 Infant mortality by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Figure 2.2: Infant mortality by year, Nova Scotia, 2010-2019
Note: Neonatal mortality refers to the death of a liveborn infant, occurring up to the 27th completed day of life (27 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes). Postneonatal mortality denotes the death of a liveborn infant weighing 500 g or more at birth, occurring from 28 days to 1 year of life. Infant mortality encompasses both neonatal and postneonatal mortality, that is, the death of a liveborn infant occurring within the first year of life.