Perinatal Health Reports Archive

Selected reports on perinatal health in Nova Scotia published prior to July 2016.

A series of tables and bar graphs showing, for years 2006 to 2013, percentages of women who are exclusively breastfeeding, not breastfeeding, breastfeeding with supplementation and intending to breastfeed. Tables show trends from year to year within a DHA (one table per DHA) whereas bar graphs allow comparison across DHAs and with Nova Scotia as a whole (one graph per year). A final line graph shows how breastfeeding rates have changed in each DHA and in Nova Scotia during the 8 years.

A set of cross-tabulations showing, for years 2001 to 2010, showing Nova Scotia birth rates per 1000 females in age categories 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, 30 - 34 and 35 - 39. The report consists of 37 pages, one page for each community health board.

This line graph contrasts, by DHA of mother's residence, how two age groups, those under 20 versus those 35 or over, contributed to the overall birth rate Nova Scotia. Trend lines show how the percentage contribution of each age group changed from 1988 to 2009.

Tables and graphs showing for years 1988 to 2009 the numbers and proportion of mothers in various age groups who smoked before pregnancy, during pregnancy and at time of delivery. Separate tables are provided for each DHA and for all of Nova Scotia. Graphs show trends over time and allow comparison of age groups within DHAs.

A series of tables and bar graphs showing, for years 1980 to 2010, the percentage of women breastfeeding at time of discharge from hospital. Percentages are included, when available, for exclusive breastfeeding, not breastfeeding, breastfeeding with supplementation and breastfeeding without or without supplementation. Supplementation data is available from 2006 on. Tables show trends from year to year within a DHA (one table per DHA) whereas bar graphs allow comparison across DHAs (one graph per year).